Payment / Shipping

The following conditions apply:

Shipping Conditions

Delivery is only within Germany and to Austria.

We ship our items with the shipping partners DHL and Dachser.

Shipping Costs (plus VAT)

Flat rate shipping costs for normal parcel shipping per order up to 30 kg:

  • Germany: €5.90
  • Austria: €9.80

Payment Conditions

You have the following payment options:

  • Payment by SEPA Core Direct Debit
  • Payment by Invoice
  • Advance Payment by Bank Transfer
  • Instalment Purchase via ALBIS HiTec Leasing GmbH

Further Details on Payment

We reserve the right, in individual cases, to execute the delivery only against advance payment by bank transfer. The invoice amount must be settled within 30 days when paying by invoice.

You receive a 3% discount: When paying by SEPA Core Direct Debit or SEPA Business-to-Business Direct Debit, you authorize us by granting a corresponding SEPA mandate to collect the invoice amount from the specified account. You are obliged to send us the mandate in writing with your signature within 5 days after concluding the contract. You will receive a pre-notification (Pre-Notification) at least 5 days before the date of the direct debit collection. Please note that you are obliged to ensure sufficient funds in the account on the announced date.

For questions, you can find our contact details in the imprint